
In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: import pandas as pd

In [3]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

第一章 预备知识#


In [4]: M1 = np.random.rand(2,3)

In [5]: M2 = np.random.rand(3,4)

In [6]: res = [[sum([M1[i][k] * M2[k][j] for k in range(M1.shape[1])]) for j in range(M2.shape[1])] for i in range(M1.shape[0])]

In [7]: (np.abs((M1@M2 - res) < 1e-15)).all()
Out[7]: True


In [8]: A = np.arange(1,10).reshape(3,-1)

In [9]: B = A*(1/A).sum(1).reshape(-1,1)

In [10]: B
array([[1.83333333, 3.66666667, 5.5       ],
       [2.46666667, 3.08333333, 3.7       ],
       [2.65277778, 3.03174603, 3.41071429]])


In [11]: np.random.seed(0)

In [12]: A = np.random.randint(10, 20, (8, 5))

In [13]: B = A.sum(0)*A.sum(1).reshape(-1, 1)/A.sum()

In [14]: res = ((A-B)**2/B).sum()

In [15]: res
Out[15]: 11.842696601945802



In [16]: np.random.seed(0)

In [17]: m, n, p = 100, 80, 50

In [18]: B = np.random.randint(0, 2, (m, p))

In [19]: U = np.random.randint(0, 2, (p, n))

In [20]: Z = np.random.randint(0, 2, (m, n))
In [21]: def solution(B=B, U=U, Z=Z):
   ....:     L_res = []
   ....:     for i in range(m):
   ....:         for j in range(n):
   ....:             norm_value = ((B[i]-U[:,j])**2).sum()
   ....:             L_res.append(norm_value*Z[i][j])
   ....:     return sum(L_res)

In [22]: solution(B, U, Z)
Out[22]: 100566


\(Y_{ij} = \|B_i-U_j\|_2^2\) ,则 \(\displaystyle R=\sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^n Y_{ij}Z_{ij}\) ,这在 Numpy 中可以用逐元素的乘法后求和实现,因此问题转化为了如何构造 \(Y\) 矩阵。

\[\begin{split}Y_{ij} &= \|B_i-U_j\|_2^2\\ &=\sum_{k=1}^p(B_{ik}-U_{kj})^2\\ &=\sum_{k=1}^p B_{ik}^2+\sum_{k=1}^p U_{kj}^2-2\sum_{k=1}^p B_{ik}U_{kj}\\\end{split}\]

从上式可以看出,第一第二项分别为 \(B\) 的行平方和与 \(U\) 的列平方和,第三项是两倍的内积。因此, \(Y\) 矩阵可以写为三个部分,第一个部分是 \(m\times n\) 的全 \(1\) 矩阵每行乘以 \(B\) 对应行的行平方和,第二个部分是相同大小的全 \(1\) 矩阵每列乘以 \(U\) 对应列的列平方和,第三个部分恰为 \(B\) 矩阵与 \(U\) 矩阵乘积的两倍。从而结果如下:

In [23]: (((B**2).sum(1).reshape(-1,1) + (U**2).sum(0) - 2*B@U)*Z).sum()
Out[23]: 100566


In [24]: %timeit -n 30 solution(B, U, Z)
29.1 ms +- 2.51 ms per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 30 loops each)
In [25]: %timeit -n 30 ((np.ones((m,n))*(B**2).sum(1).reshape(-1,1) +\
   ....:                   np.ones((m,n))*(U**2).sum(0) - 2*B@U)*Z).sum()
596 us +- 74.1 us per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 30 loops each)


In [26]: f = lambda x:np.diff(np.nonzero(np.r_[1,np.diff(x)!=1,1])).max()

In [27]: f([1,2,5,6,7])
Out[27]: 3

In [28]: f([3,2,1,2,3,4,6])
Out[28]: 4

第二章 pandas基础#


In [29]: df = pd.read_csv('data/pokemon.csv')

In [30]: (df[['HP', 'Attack', 'Defense', 'Sp. Atk', 'Sp. Def', 'Speed'
   ....:    ]].sum(1)!=df['Total']).mean()
Out[30]: 0.0
In [31]: dp_dup = df.drop_duplicates('#', keep='first')

In [32]: dp_dup['Type 1'].nunique()
Out[32]: 18

In [33]: dp_dup['Type 1'].value_counts().index[:3]
Out[33]: Index(['Water', 'Normal', 'Grass'], dtype='object')
In [34]: attr_dup = dp_dup.drop_duplicates(['Type 1', 'Type 2'])

In [35]: attr_dup.shape[0]
Out[35]: 143
In [36]: L_full = [i+' '+j if i!=j else i for i in df['Type 1'
   ....:          ].unique() for j in df['Type 1'].unique()]

In [37]: L_part = [i+' '+j if not isinstance(j, float) else i for i, j in zip(
   ....:           attr_dup['Type 1'], attr_dup['Type 2'])]

In [38]: res = set(L_full).difference(set(L_part))

In [39]: len(res) # 太多,不打印了
Out[39]: 181
In [40]: df['Attack'].mask(df['Attack']>120, 'high'
   ....:                  ).mask(df['Attack']<50, 'low').mask((50<=df['Attack']
   ....:                  )&(df['Attack']<=120), 'mid').head()
0    low
1    mid
2    mid
3    mid
4    mid
Name: Attack, dtype: object
In [41]: df['Type 1'].replace({i:str.upper(i) for i in df['Type 1'
   ....:             ].unique()}).head()
0    GRASS
1    GRASS
2    GRASS
3    GRASS
4     FIRE
Name: Type 1, dtype: object

In [42]: df['Type 1'].apply(lambda x:str.upper(x)).head()
0    GRASS
1    GRASS
2    GRASS
3    GRASS
4     FIRE
Name: Type 1, dtype: object
In [43]: df['Deviation'] = df[['HP', 'Attack', 'Defense', 'Sp. Atk',
   ....:                      'Sp. Def', 'Speed']].apply(lambda x:np.max(
   ....:                      (x-x.median()).abs()), 1)

In [44]: df.sort_values('Deviation', ascending=False).head()
       #                 Name  Type 1  Type 2  Total   HP  Attack  Defense  Sp. Atk  Sp. Def  Speed  Deviation
230  213              Shuckle     Bug    Rock    505   20      10      230       10      230      5      215.0
121  113              Chansey  Normal     NaN    450  250       5        5       35      105     50      207.5
261  242              Blissey  Normal     NaN    540  255      10       10       75      135     55      190.0
333  306    AggronMega Aggron   Steel     NaN    630   70     140      230       60       80     50      155.0
224  208  SteelixMega Steelix   Steel  Ground    610   75     125      230       55       95     30      145.0


In [45]: np.random.seed(0)

In [46]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randint(-1,2,30).cumsum())

In [47]: s.ewm(alpha=0.2).mean().head()
0   -1.000000
1   -1.000000
2   -1.409836
3   -1.609756
4   -1.725845
dtype: float64

In [48]: def ewm_func(x, alpha=0.2):
   ....:     win = (1-alpha)**np.arange(x.shape[0])[::-1]
   ....:     res = (win*x).sum()/win.sum()
   ....:     return res

In [49]: s.expanding().apply(ewm_func).head()
0   -1.000000
1   -1.000000
2   -1.409836
3   -1.609756
4   -1.725845
dtype: float64

新的权重为 \(w_i = (1 - \alpha)^i, i\in \{0,1,...,n-1\}\)\(y_t\) 更新如下:

\[\begin{split}y_t &=\frac{\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} w_i x_{t-i}}{\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} w_i} \\ &=\frac{x_t + (1 - \alpha)x_{t-1} + (1 - \alpha)^2 x_{t-2} + ... + (1 - \alpha)^{n-1} x_{t-(n-1)}}{1 + (1 - \alpha) + (1 - \alpha)^2 + ... + (1 - \alpha)^{n-1}}\\\end{split}\]
In [50]: s.rolling(window=4).apply(ewm_func).head() # 无需对原函数改动
0         NaN
1         NaN
2         NaN
3   -1.609756
4   -1.826558
dtype: float64

第三章 索引#


In [51]: df = pd.read_csv('data/company.csv')

In [52]: dpt = ['Dairy', 'Bakery']

In [53]: df.query("(age <= 40)&(department == @dpt)&(gender=='M')").head(3)
      EmployeeID birthdate_key  age city_name department     job_title gender
3611        5791     1/14/1975   40   Kelowna      Dairy  Dairy Person      M
3613        5793     1/22/1975   40  Richmond     Bakery         Baker      M
3615        5795     1/30/1975   40   Nanaimo      Dairy  Dairy Person      M

In [54]: df.loc[(df.age<=40)&df.department.isin(dpt)&(df.gender=='M')].head(3)
      EmployeeID birthdate_key  age city_name department     job_title gender
3611        5791     1/14/1975   40   Kelowna      Dairy  Dairy Person      M
3613        5793     1/22/1975   40  Richmond     Bakery         Baker      M
3615        5795     1/30/1975   40   Nanaimo      Dairy  Dairy Person      M
In [55]: df.iloc[(df.EmployeeID%2==1).values,[0,2,-2]].head()
   EmployeeID  age                      job_title
1        1319   58                      VP Stores
3        1321   56             VP Human Resources
5        1323   53      Exec Assistant, VP Stores
6        1325   51  Exec Assistant, Legal Counsel
8        1329   48                  Store Manager
In [56]: df_op = df.copy()

In [57]: df_op = df_op.set_index(df_op.columns[-3:].tolist()).swaplevel(0,2,axis=0)

In [58]: df_op = df_op.reset_index(level=1)

In [59]: df_op = df_op.rename_axis(index={'gender':'Gender'})

In [60]: df_op.index = df_op.index.map(lambda x:'_'.join(x))

In [61]: df_op.index = df_op.index.map(lambda x:tuple(x.split('_')))

In [62]: df_op = df_op.rename_axis(index=['gender', 'department'])

In [63]: df_op = df_op.reset_index().reindex(df.columns, axis=1)

In [64]: df_op.equals(df)
Out[64]: True


In [65]: df = pd.read_csv('data/chocolate.csv')

In [66]: df.columns = [' '.join(i.split('\r\n')) for i in df.columns]

In [67]: df.head(3)
    Company  Review Date Cocoa Percent Company Location  Rating
0  A. Morin         2016           63%           France    3.75
1  A. Morin         2015           70%           France    2.75
2  A. Morin         2015           70%           France    3.00
In [68]: df['Cocoa Percent'] = df['Cocoa Percent'].apply(lambda x:float(x[:-1])/100)

In [69]: df.query('(Rating<3)&(`Cocoa Percent`>`Cocoa Percent`.median())').head(3)
               Company  Review Date  Cocoa Percent Company Location  Rating
33  Akesson's (Pralus)         2010           0.75      Switzerland    2.75
34  Akesson's (Pralus)         2010           0.75      Switzerland    2.75
36       Alain Ducasse         2014           0.75           France    2.75
In [70]: idx = pd.IndexSlice

In [71]: exclude = ['France', 'Canada', 'Amsterdam', 'Belgium']

In [72]: res = df.set_index(['Review Date', 'Company Location']).sort_index(level=0)

In [73]: res.loc[idx[2012:,~res.index.get_level_values(1).isin(exclude)],:].head(3)
                                  Company  Cocoa Percent  Rating
Review Date Company Location                                    
2012        Australia         Bahen & Co.            0.7     3.0
            Australia         Bahen & Co.            0.7     2.5
            Australia         Bahen & Co.            0.7     2.5

第四章 分组#


现有一份关于汽车的数据集,其中 Brand, Disp., HP 分别代表汽车品牌、发动机蓄量、发动机输出。

In [74]: df = pd.read_csv('data/car.csv')

In [75]: df.head(3)
             Brand  Price Country  Reliability  Mileage   Type  Weight  Disp.   HP
0   Eagle Summit 4   8895     USA          4.0       33  Small    2560     97  113
1  Ford Escort   4   7402     USA          2.0       33  Small    2345    114   90
2   Ford Festiva 4   6319   Korea          4.0       37  Small    1845     81   63
In [76]: df.groupby('Country').filter(lambda x:x.shape[0]>2).groupby(
   ....:            'Country')['Price'].agg([(
   ....:            'CoV', lambda x: x.std()/x.mean()), 'mean', 'count'])
                CoV          mean  count
Japan      0.387429  13938.052632     19
Japan/USA  0.240040  10067.571429      7
Korea      0.243435   7857.333333      3
USA        0.203344  12543.269231     26
In [77]: df.shape[0]
Out[77]: 60

In [78]: condition = ['Head']*20+['Mid']*20+['Tail']*20

In [79]: df.groupby(condition)['Price'].mean()
Head     9069.95
Mid     13356.40
Tail    15420.65
Name: Price, dtype: float64
In [80]: res = df.groupby('Type').agg({'Price': ['max'], 'HP': ['min']})

In [81]: res.columns = res.columns.map(lambda x:'_'.join(x))

In [82]: res
         Price_max  HP_min
Compact      18900      95
Large        17257     150
Medium       24760     110
Small         9995      63
Sporty       13945      92
Van          15395     106
In [83]: def normalize(s):
   ....:     s_min, s_max = s.min(), s.max()
   ....:     res = (s - s_min)/(s_max - s_min)
   ....:     return res

In [84]: df.groupby('Type')['HP'].transform(normalize).head()
0    1.00
1    0.54
2    0.00
3    0.58
4    0.80
Name: HP, dtype: float64
In [85]: df.groupby('Type')[['HP', 'Disp.']].apply(
   ....:    lambda x:np.corrcoef(x['HP'].values, x['Disp.'].values)[0,1])
Compact    0.586087
Large     -0.242765
Medium     0.370491
Small      0.603916
Sporty     0.871426
Van        0.819881
dtype: float64


In [86]: class my_groupby:
   ....:     def __init__(self, my_df, group_cols):
   ....:         self.my_df = my_df.copy()
   ....:         self.groups = my_df[group_cols].drop_duplicates()
   ....:         if isinstance(self.groups, pd.Series):
   ....:             self.groups = self.groups.to_frame()
   ....:         self.group_cols = self.groups.columns.tolist()
   ....:         self.groups = {i: self.groups[i].values.tolist(
   ....:                        ) for i in self.groups.columns}
   ....:         self.transform_col = None
   ....:     def __getitem__(self, col):
   ....:         self.pr_col = [col] if isinstance(col, str) else list(col)
   ....:         return self
   ....:     def transform(self, my_func):
   ....:         self.num = len(self.groups[self.group_cols[0]])
   ....:         L_order, L_value = np.array([]), np.array([])
   ....:         for i in range(self.num):
   ....:             group_df = self.my_df.reset_index().copy()
   ....:             for col in self.group_cols:
   ....:                 group_df = group_df[group_df[col]==self.groups[col][i]]
   ....:             group_df = group_df[self.pr_col]
   ....:             if group_df.shape[1] == 1:
   ....:                 group_df = group_df.iloc[:, 0]
   ....:             group_res = my_func(group_df)
   ....:             if not isinstance(group_res, pd.Series):
   ....:                 group_res = pd.Series(group_res,
   ....:                                       index=group_df.index,
   ....:                                       name=group_df.name)
   ....:             L_order = np.r_[L_order, group_res.index]
   ....:             L_value = np.r_[L_value, group_res.values]
   ....:         self.res = pd.Series(pd.Series(L_value, index=L_order).sort_index(
   ....:                    ).values,index=self.my_df.reset_index(
   ....:                    ).index, name=my_func.__name__)
   ....:         return self.res

In [87]: my_groupby(df, 'Type')
Out[87]: <__main__.my_groupby at 0x29238dedc10>


In [88]: def f(s):
   ....:     res = (s-s.min())/(s.max()-s.min())
   ....:     return res

In [89]: my_groupby(df, 'Type')['Price'].transform(f).head()
0    0.733592
1    0.372003
2    0.109712
3    0.186244
4    0.177525
Name: f, dtype: float64

In [90]: df.groupby('Type')['Price'].transform(f).head()
0    0.733592
1    0.372003
2    0.109712
3    0.186244
4    0.177525
Name: Price, dtype: float64


In [91]: my_groupby(df, ['Type','Country'])['Price'].transform(f).head()
0    1.000000
1    0.000000
2    0.000000
3    0.000000
4    0.196357
Name: f, dtype: float64

In [92]: df.groupby(['Type','Country'])['Price'].transform(f).head()
0    1.000000
1    0.000000
2    0.000000
3    0.000000
4    0.196357
Name: Price, dtype: float64


In [93]: my_groupby(df, 'Type')['Price'].transform(lambda x:x.mean()).head()
0    7682.384615
1    7682.384615
2    7682.384615
3    7682.384615
4    7682.384615
Name: <lambda>, dtype: float64

In [94]: df.groupby('Type')['Price'].transform(lambda x:x.mean()).head()
0    7682.384615
1    7682.384615
2    7682.384615
3    7682.384615
4    7682.384615
Name: Price, dtype: float64


In [95]: my_groupby(df, 'Type')['Disp.', 'HP'].transform(
   ....:                lambda x: x['Disp.']/x.HP).head()
0    0.858407
1    1.266667
2    1.285714
3    0.989130
4    1.097087
Name: <lambda>, dtype: float64

第五章 变形#


In [96]: df = pd.read_csv('data/drugs.csv').sort_values([
   ....:      'State','COUNTY','SubstanceName'],ignore_index=True)

In [97]: res = df.pivot(index=['State','COUNTY','SubstanceName'
   ....:               ], columns='YYYY', values='DrugReports'
   ....:               ).reset_index().rename_axis(columns={'YYYY':''})

In [98]: res.head(5)
  State COUNTY  SubstanceName  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017
0    KY  ADAIR  Buprenorphine   NaN   3.0   5.0   4.0  27.0   5.0   7.0  10.0
1    KY  ADAIR        Codeine   NaN   NaN   1.0   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   1.0
2    KY  ADAIR       Fentanyl   NaN   NaN   1.0   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
3    KY  ADAIR         Heroin   NaN   NaN   1.0   2.0   NaN   1.0   NaN   2.0
4    KY  ADAIR    Hydrocodone   6.0   9.0  10.0  10.0   9.0   7.0  11.0   3.0
In [99]: res_melted = res.melt(id_vars = ['State','COUNTY','SubstanceName'],
   ....:                      value_vars = res.columns[-8:],
   ....:                      var_name = 'YYYY',
   ....:                      value_name = 'DrugReports').dropna(
   ....:                      subset=['DrugReports'])

In [100]: res_melted = res_melted[df.columns].sort_values([
   .....:               'State','COUNTY','SubstanceName'],ignore_index=True
   .....:               ).astype({'YYYY':'int64', 'DrugReports':'int64'})
   .....: res_melted.equals(df)
Out[100]: True


In [101]: res = df.pivot_table(index='YYYY', columns='State',
   .....:                      values='DrugReports', aggfunc='sum')

In [102]: res.head(3)
State     KY     OH     PA    VA    WV
2010   10453  19707  19814  8685  2890
2011   10289  20330  19987  6749  3271
2012   10722  23145  19959  7831  3376


In [103]: res = df.groupby(['State', 'YYYY'])['DrugReports'].sum(
   .....:                 ).to_frame().unstack(0).droplevel(0,axis=1)

In [104]: res.head(3)
State     KY     OH     PA    VA    WV
2010   10453  19707  19814  8685  2890
2011   10289  20330  19987  6749  3271
2012   10722  23145  19959  7831  3376


In [105]: df = pd.DataFrame({'Class':[1,2],
   .....:                   'Name':['San Zhang', 'Si Li'],
   .....:                   'Chinese':[80, 90],
   .....:                   'Math':[80, 75]})

In [106]: df
   Class       Name  Chinese  Math
0      1  San Zhang       80    80
1      2      Si Li       90    75
In [107]: df = df.rename(columns={'Chinese':'pre_Chinese', 'Math':'pre_Math'})

In [108]: pd.wide_to_long(df,
   .....:                 stubnames=['pre'],
   .....:                 i = ['Class', 'Name'],
   .....:                 j='Subject',
   .....:                 sep='_',
   .....:                 suffix='.+').reset_index().rename(columns={'pre':'Grade'})
   Class       Name  Subject  Grade
0      1  San Zhang  Chinese     80
1      1  San Zhang     Math     80
2      2      Si Li  Chinese     90
3      2      Si Li     Math     75

第六章 连接#


In [109]: date = pd.date_range('20200412', '20201116').to_series()

In [110]: date = date.dt.month.astype('string').str.zfill(2
   .....:        ) +'-'+ date.dt.day.astype('string'
   .....:        ).str.zfill(2) +'-'+ '2020'

In [111]: date = date.tolist()
In [112]: L = []

In [113]: for d in date:
   .....:     df = pd.read_csv('data/us_report/' + d + '.csv', index_col='Province_State')
   .....:     data = df.loc['New York', ['Confirmed','Deaths',
   .....:                   'Recovered','Active']]
   .....:     L.append(data.to_frame().T)

In [114]: res = pd.concat(L)

In [115]: res.index = date

In [116]: res.head()
           Confirmed Deaths Recovered    Active
04-12-2020    189033   9385   23887.0    179648
04-13-2020    195749  10058   23887.0  185691.0
04-14-2020    203020  10842   23887.0  192178.0
04-15-2020    214454  11617   23887.0  202837.0
04-16-2020    223691  14832   23887.0  208859.0


In [117]: def join(df1, df2, how='left'):
   .....:     res_col = df1.columns.tolist() +  df2.columns.tolist()
   .....:     dup = df1.index.unique().intersection(df2.index.unique())
   .....:     res_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = res_col)
   .....:     for label in dup:
   .....:         cartesian = [list(i)+list(j) for i in df1.loc[label
   .....:                     ].values.reshape(-1,1) for j in df2.loc[
   .....:                       label].values.reshape(-1,1)]
   .....:         dup_df = pd.DataFrame(cartesian, index = [label]*len(
   .....:                  cartesian), columns = res_col)
   .....:         res_df = pd.concat([res_df,dup_df])
   .....:     if how in ['left', 'outer']:
   .....:         for label in df1.index.unique().difference(dup):
   .....:             if isinstance(df1.loc[label], pd.DataFrame):
   .....:                 cat = [list(i)+[np.nan]*df2.shape[1
   .....:                       ] for i in df1.loc[label].values]
   .....:             else: cat = [list(i)+[np.nan]*df2.shape[1
   .....:                       ] for i in df1.loc[label].to_frame().values]
   .....:             dup_df = pd.DataFrame(cat, index = [label
   .....:                       ]*len(cat), columns = res_col)
   .....:             res_df = pd.concat([res_df,dup_df])
   .....:     if how in ['right', 'outer']:
   .....:         for label in df2.index.unique().difference(dup):
   .....:             if isinstance(df2.loc[label], pd.DataFrame):
   .....:                 cat = [[np.nan]+list(i)*df1.shape[1
   .....:                       ] for i in df2.loc[label].values]
   .....:             else: cat = [[np.nan]+list(i)*df1.shape[1
   .....:                       ] for i in df2.loc[label].to_frame().values]
   .....:             dup_df = pd.DataFrame(cat, index = [label
   .....:                       ]*len(cat), columns = res_col)
   .....:             res_df = pd.concat([res_df,dup_df])
   .....:     return res_df

In [118]: df1 = pd.DataFrame({'col1':[1,2,3,4,5]}, index=list('AABCD'))

In [119]: df1
A     1
A     2
B     3
C     4
D     5

In [120]: df2 = pd.DataFrame({'col2':list('opqrst')}, index=list('ABBCEE'))

In [121]: df2
A    o
B    p
B    q
C    r
E    s
E    t

In [122]: join(df1, df2, how='outer')
  col1 col2
A    1    o
A    2    o
B    3    p
B    3    q
C    4    r
D    5  NaN
E  NaN    s
E  NaN    t

第七章 缺失数据#


In [123]: df = pd.read_csv('data/missing_chi.csv')

In [124]: cat_1 = df.X_1.fillna('NaN').mask(df.X_1.notna()).fillna("NotNaN")

In [125]: cat_2 = df.X_2.fillna('NaN').mask(df.X_2.notna()).fillna("NotNaN")

In [126]: df_1 = pd.crosstab(cat_1, df.y, margins=True)

In [127]: df_2 = pd.crosstab(cat_2, df.y, margins=True)

In [128]: def compute_S(my_df):
   .....:     S = []
   .....:     for i in range(2):
   .....:         for j in range(2):
   .....:             E = my_df.iat[i, j]
   .....:             F = my_df.iat[i, 2]*my_df.iat[2, j]/my_df.iat[2,2]
   .....:             S.append((E-F)**2/F)
   .....:     return sum(S)

In [129]: res1 = compute_S(df_1)

In [130]: res2 = compute_S(df_2)

In [131]: from scipy.stats import chi2

In [132]: chi2.sf(res1, 1) # X_1检验的p值 # 不能认为相关,剔除
Out[132]: 0.9712760884395901

In [133]: chi2.sf(res2, 1) # X_2检验的p值 # 认为相关,保留
Out[133]: 7.459641265637543e-166

结果与 scipy.stats.chi2_contingency 在不使用 \(Yates\) 修正的情况下完全一致:

In [134]: from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency

In [135]: chi2_contingency(pd.crosstab(cat_1, df.y), correction=False)[1]
Out[135]: 0.9712760884395901

In [136]: chi2_contingency(pd.crosstab(cat_2, df.y), correction=False)[1]
Out[136]: 7.459641265637543e-166


In [137]: from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor

In [138]: df = pd.read_excel('data/color.xlsx')

In [139]: df_dummies = pd.get_dummies(df.Color)

In [140]: stack_list = []

In [141]: for col in df_dummies.columns:
   .....:     clf = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=6)
   .....:     clf.fit(df.iloc[:,:2].values, df_dummies[col].values)
   .....:     res = clf.predict([[0.8, -0.2]]).reshape(-1,1)
   .....:     stack_list.append(res)

In [142]: code_res = pd.Series(np.hstack(stack_list).argmax(1))

In [143]: df_dummies.columns[code_res[0]]
Out[143]: 'Yellow'
In [144]: from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor

In [145]: df = pd.read_csv('data/audit.csv')

In [146]: res_df = df.copy()

In [147]: df = pd.concat([pd.get_dummies(df[['Marital', 'Gender']]),
   .....:     df[['Age','Income','Hours']].apply(
   .....:         lambda x:(x-x.min())/(x.max()-x.min())), df.Employment],1)

In [148]: X_train = df.query('Employment.notna()')

In [149]: X_test = df.query('Employment.isna()')

In [150]: df_dummies = pd.get_dummies(X_train.Employment)

In [151]: stack_list = []

In [152]: for col in df_dummies.columns:
   .....:     clf = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=6)
   .....:     clf.fit(X_train.iloc[:,:-1].values, df_dummies[col].values)
   .....:     res = clf.predict(X_test.iloc[:,:-1].values).reshape(-1,1)
   .....:     stack_list.append(res)

In [153]: code_res = pd.Series(np.hstack(stack_list).argmax(1))

In [154]: cat_res = code_res.replace(dict(zip(list(
   .....:             range(df_dummies.shape[0])),df_dummies.columns)))

In [155]: res_df.loc[res_df.Employment.isna(), 'Employment'] = cat_res.values

In [156]: res_df.isna().sum()
ID            0
Age           0
Employment    0
Marital       0
Income        0
Gender        0
Hours         0
dtype: int64

第八章 文本数据#


In [157]: df = pd.read_excel('data/house_info.xls', usecols=[
   .....:                 'floor','year','area','price'])

In [158]: df.year = pd.to_numeric(df.year.str[:-2]).astype('Int64')

In [159]: df.head(3)
      floor  year    area price
0   高层(共6层)  1986  58.23㎡  155万
1  中层(共20层)  2020     88㎡  155万
2  低层(共28层)  2010  89.33㎡  365万
In [160]: pat = '(\w层)(共(\d+)层)'

In [161]: new_cols = df.floor.str.extract(pat).rename(
   .....:                     columns={0:'Level', 1:'Highest'})

In [162]: df = pd.concat([df.drop(columns=['floor']), new_cols], 1)

In [163]: df.head(3)
   year    area price Level Highest
0  1986  58.23㎡  155万    高层       6
1  2020     88㎡  155万    中层      20
2  2010  89.33㎡  365万    低层      28
In [164]: s_area = pd.to_numeric(df.area.str[:-1])

In [165]: s_price = pd.to_numeric(df.price.str[:-1])

In [166]: df['avg_price'] = ((s_price/s_area)*10000).astype(
   .....:                     'int').astype('string') + '元/平米'

In [167]: df.head(3)
   year    area price Level Highest  avg_price
0  1986  58.23㎡  155万    高层       6  26618元/平米
1  2020     88㎡  155万    中层      20  17613元/平米
2  2010  89.33㎡  365万    低层      28  40859元/平米


In [168]: df = pd.read_csv('data/script.csv')

In [169]: df.columns = df.columns.str.strip()

In [170]: df.groupby(['Season', 'Episode'])['Sentence'].count().head()
Season    Episode   
Season 1  Episode 1     327
          Episode 10    266
          Episode 2     283
          Episode 3     353
          Episode 4     404
Name: Sentence, dtype: int64
In [171]: df.set_index('Name').Sentence.str.split().str.len(
   .....:  ).groupby('Name').mean().sort_values(ascending=False).head()
male singer          109.000000
slave owner           77.000000
manderly              62.000000
lollys stokeworth     62.000000
dothraki matron       56.666667
Name: Sentence, dtype: float64
In [172]: s = pd.Series(df.Sentence.values, index=df.Name.shift(-1))

In [173]: s.str.count('\?').groupby('Name').sum().sort_values(ascending=False).head()
tyrion lannister    527
jon snow            374
jaime lannister     283
arya stark          265
cersei lannister    246
dtype: int64

第九章 分类数据#


In [174]: def my_crosstab(s1, s2, dropna=True):
   .....:     idx1 = (s1.cat.categories if s1.dtype.name == 'category' and
   .....:                              not dropna else s1.unique())
   .....:     idx2 = (s2.cat.categories if s2.dtype.name == 'category' and
   .....:                              not dropna else s2.unique())
   .....:     res = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((idx1.shape[0], idx2.shape[0])),
   .....:                     index=idx1, columns=idx2)
   .....:     for i, j in zip(s1, s2):
   .....:         res.at[i, j] += 1
   .....:     res = res.rename_axis(index=s1.name, columns=s2.name).astype('int')
   .....:     return res

In [175]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A':['a','b','c','a'],
   .....:                    'B':['cat','cat','dog','cat']})

In [176]: df.B = df.B.astype('category').cat.add_categories('sheep')

In [177]: my_crosstab(df.A, df.B)
B  cat  dog
a    2    0
b    1    0
c    0    1

In [178]: my_crosstab(df.A, df.B, dropna=False)
B  cat  dog  sheep
a    2    0      0
b    1    0      0
c    0    1      0


In [179]: df = pd.read_csv('data/diamonds.csv')

In [180]: s_obj, s_cat = df.cut, df.cut.astype('category')
In [181]: %timeit -n 30 s_obj.nunique()
4.13 ms +- 356 us per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 30 loops each)
In [182]: %timeit -n 30 s_cat.nunique()
944 us +- 153 us per loop (mean +- std. dev. of 7 runs, 30 loops each)
In [183]: df.cut = df.cut.astype('category').cat.reorder_categories([
   .....:         'Fair', 'Good', 'Very Good', 'Premium', 'Ideal'],ordered=True)

In [184]: df.clarity = df.clarity.astype('category').cat.reorder_categories([
   .....:         'I1', 'SI2', 'SI1', 'VS2', 'VS1', 'VVS2', 'VVS1', 'IF'],ordered=True)

In [185]: res = df.sort_values(['cut', 'clarity'], ascending=[False, True])

In [186]: res.head(3)
     carat    cut clarity  price
315   0.96  Ideal      I1   2801
535   0.96  Ideal      I1   2826
551   0.97  Ideal      I1   2830

In [187]: res.tail(3)
       carat   cut clarity  price
47407   0.52  Fair      IF   1849
49683   0.52  Fair      IF   2144
50126   0.47  Fair      IF   2211
In [188]: df.cut = df.cut.cat.reorder_categories(
   .....:         df.cut.cat.categories[::-1])

In [189]: df.clarity = df.clarity.cat.reorder_categories(
   .....:             df.clarity.cat.categories[::-1])

In [190]: df.cut = df.cut.cat.codes # 方法一:利用cat.codes

In [191]: clarity_cat = df.clarity.cat.categories

In [192]: df.clarity = df.clarity.replace(dict(zip(
   .....:             clarity_cat, np.arange(
   .....:                 len(clarity_cat))))) # 方法二:使用replace映射

In [193]: df.head(3)
   carat  cut  clarity  price
0   0.23    0        6    326
1   0.21    1        5    326
2   0.23    3        3    327
In [194]: q = [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1]

In [195]: point = [-np.infty, 1000, 3500, 5500, 18000, np.infty]

In [196]: avg = df.price / df.carat

In [197]: df['avg_cut'] = pd.cut(avg, bins=point, labels=[
   .....:                 'Very Low', 'Low', 'Mid', 'High', 'Very High'])

In [198]: df['avg_qcut'] = pd.qcut(avg, q=q, labels=[
   .....:                 'Very Low', 'Low', 'Mid', 'High', 'Very High'])

In [199]: df.head()
   carat  cut  clarity  price avg_cut  avg_qcut
0   0.23    0        6    326     Low  Very Low
1   0.21    1        5    326     Low  Very Low
2   0.23    3        3    327     Low  Very Low
3   0.29    1        4    334     Low  Very Low
4   0.31    3        6    335     Low  Very Low
In [200]: df.avg_cut.unique()
['Low', 'Mid', 'High']
Categories (3, object): ['Low' < 'Mid' < 'High']

In [201]: df.avg_cut.cat.categories
Out[201]: Index(['Very Low', 'Low', 'Mid', 'High', 'Very High'], dtype='object')

In [202]: df.avg_cut = df.avg_cut.cat.remove_categories([
   .....:             'Very Low', 'Very High'])

In [203]: df.avg_cut.head(3)
0    Low
1    Low
2    Low
Name: avg_cut, dtype: category
Categories (3, object): ['Low' < 'Mid' < 'High']
In [204]: interval_avg = pd.IntervalIndex(pd.qcut(avg, q=q))

In [205]: interval_avg.right.to_series().reset_index(drop=True).head(3)
0    2295.0
1    2295.0
2    2295.0
dtype: float64

In [206]: interval_avg.left.to_series().reset_index(drop=True).head(3)
0    1051.162
1    1051.162
2    1051.162
dtype: float64

In [207]: interval_avg.length.to_series().reset_index(drop=True).head(3)
0    1243.838
1    1243.838
2    1243.838
dtype: float64

第十章 时序数据#


In [208]: df = pd.read_csv('data/solar.csv', usecols=['Data','Time',
   .....:                  'Radiation','Temperature'])

In [209]: solar_date = df.Data.str.extract('([/|\w]+\s).+')[0]

In [210]: df['Data'] = pd.to_datetime(solar_date + df.Time)

In [211]: df = df.drop(columns='Time').rename(columns={'Data':'Datetime'}
   .....:             ).set_index('Datetime').sort_index()

In [212]: df.head(3)
                     Radiation  Temperature
2016-09-01 00:00:08       2.58           51
2016-09-01 00:05:10       2.83           51
2016-09-01 00:20:06       2.16           51
In [213]: s = df.index.to_series().reset_index(drop=True).diff().dt.total_seconds()

In [214]: max_3 = s.nlargest(3).index

In [215]: df.index[max_3.union(max_3-1)]
DatetimeIndex(['2016-09-29 23:55:26', '2016-10-01 00:00:19',
               '2016-11-29 19:05:02', '2016-12-01 00:00:02',
               '2016-12-05 20:45:53', '2016-12-08 11:10:42'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='Datetime', freq=None)
In [216]: res = s.mask((s>s.quantile(0.99))|(s<s.quantile(0.01)))

In [217]: _ = plt.hist(res, bins=50)
In [218]: res = df.Radiation.rolling('6H').corr(df.Temperature)

In [219]: res.tail(3)
2016-12-31 23:45:04    0.328574
2016-12-31 23:50:03    0.261883
2016-12-31 23:55:01    0.262406
dtype: float64
In [220]: res = df.Temperature.resample('6H', origin='03:00:00').mean()

In [221]: res.head(3)
2016-08-31 21:00:00    51.218750
2016-09-01 03:00:00    50.033333
2016-09-01 09:00:00    59.379310
Freq: 6H, Name: Temperature, dtype: float64
# 非常慢
my_dt = df.index.shift(freq='-6H')
int_loc = [df.index.get_indexer([i], method='nearest') for i in my_dt]
int_loc = np.array(int_loc).reshape(-1)
res = df.Radiation.iloc[int_loc]
res.index = df.index
# 纸质版上介绍了merge_asof,性能差距可以达到3-4个数量级
In [222]: target = pd.DataFrame(
   .....:     {
   .....:         "Time": df.index.shift(freq='-6H'),
   .....:         "Datetime": df.index,
   .....:     }
   .....: )

In [223]: res = pd.merge_asof(
   .....:     target,
   .....:     df.reset_index().rename(columns={"Datetime": "Time"}),
   .....:     left_on="Time",
   .....:     right_on="Time",
   .....:     direction="nearest"
   .....: ).set_index("Datetime").Radiation

In [224]: res.tail(3)
2016-12-31 23:45:04    9.33
2016-12-31 23:50:03    8.49
2016-12-31 23:55:01    5.84
Name: Radiation, dtype: float64


In [225]: df = pd.read_csv('data/fruit.csv')

In [226]: df.Date = pd.to_datetime(df.Date)

In [227]: df_grape = df.query("Fruit == 'Grape'")

In [228]: res = df_grape.groupby([np.where(df_grape.Date.dt.day<=15,
   .....:                         'First', 'Second'),df_grape.Date.dt.month]
   .....:                         )['Sale'].mean().to_frame().unstack(0
   .....:                         ).droplevel(0,axis=1)

In [229]: res = (res.First/res.Second).rename_axis('Month')

In [230]: res.head()
1    1.174998
2    0.968890
3    0.951351
4    1.020797
5    0.931061
dtype: float64
In [231]: df[df.Date.dt.is_month_end].query("Fruit == 'Pear'"
   .....:                           ).groupby('Date').Sale.sum().head()
2019-01-31    847
2019-02-28    774
2019-03-31    761
2019-04-30    648
2019-05-31    616
Name: Sale, dtype: int64
In [232]: df[df.Date.isin(pd.date_range('20190101', '20191231',
   .....:                 freq='BM'))].query("Fruit == 'Pear'"
   .....:                 ).groupby('Date').Sale.sum().head()
2019-01-31    847
2019-02-28    774
2019-03-29    510
2019-04-30    648
2019-05-31    616
Name: Sale, dtype: int64
In [233]: target_dt = df.drop_duplicates().groupby(df.Date.drop_duplicates(
   .....:             ).dt.month)['Date'].nlargest(5).reset_index(drop=True)

In [234]: res = df.set_index('Date').loc[target_dt].reset_index(
   .....:             ).query("Fruit == 'Apple'")

In [235]: res = res.groupby(res.Date.dt.month)['Sale'].mean(
   .....:             ).rename_axis('Month')

In [236]: res.head()
1    65.313725
2    54.061538
3    59.325581
4    65.795455
5    57.465116
Name: Sale, dtype: float64
In [237]: month_order = ['January','February','March','April',
   .....:                 'May','June','July','August','September',
   .....:                 'October','November','December']

In [238]: week_order = ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sum']

In [239]: group1 = df.Date.dt.month_name().astype('category').cat.reorder_categories(
   .....:         month_order, ordered=True)

In [240]: group2 = df.Fruit

In [241]: group3 = df.Date.dt.dayofweek.replace(dict(zip(range(7),week_order))
   .....:          ).astype('category').cat.reorder_categories(
   .....:          week_order, ordered=True)

In [242]: res = df.groupby([group1, group2,group3])['Sale'].count().to_frame(
   .....:          ).unstack(0).droplevel(0,axis=1)

In [243]: res.head()
Date        January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December
Fruit Date                                                                                                  
Apple Mon        46        43     43     47   43    40    41      38         59       42        39        45
      Tue        50        40     44     52   46    39    50      42         40       57        47        47
      Wed        50        47     37     43   39    39    58      43         35       46        47        38
      Thu        45        35     31     47   58    33    52      44         36       63        37        40
      Fri        32        33     52     31   46    38    37      48         34       37        46        41
In [244]: df_apple = df[(df.Fruit=='Apple')&(
   .....:               ~df.Date.dt.dayofweek.isin([5,6]))]

In [245]: s = pd.Series(df_apple.Sale.values,
   .....:               index=df_apple.Date).groupby('Date').sum()

In [246]: res = s.rolling('10D').mean().reindex(
   .....:               pd.date_range('20190101','20191231')).fillna(method='ffill')

In [247]: res.head()
2019-01-01    189.000000
2019-01-02    335.500000
2019-01-03    520.333333
2019-01-04    527.750000
2019-01-05    527.750000
Freq: D, dtype: float64